Word of the Grand Master
In the name of the Grand Lodge Bet-El and in my humble name I have the pleasure to present To you our new web site on the internet network.
I hope that this electronic tool will allow you to know us better and will constitute an indestructible link between us
With pride and integrity, the Grand Lodge Bet-El, currently active member of C.L.I.P.S.A.S., boasts itself to present to you the whole truth pure and simple, stripped of all ambiguity.
The human has tendency to condemn what it does not know or does not understand, but who is the one who is unaware of the solid bases of the Freemasonry that are
Is not the LIBERTY the central point of which all truth must emanate?
Is not EQUALITY the absolute necessity to reign on the world a climate of tolerance? This climate is the clear sign of a blossomed society.
The FRATERNITY, torch that lights up our tortuous ways and allows living in harmony with all the peoples without allowing futile differences to erect essential barriers such as, races, religion and nationality
Thus proud of these principles and following it to the letter, we built the Symbolic Blue Lodges and we are happy to share our knowledge with all the obediences in order to help the human beings to manage their existence.
The Grand Lodge Bet-El, works according to the Scottish Old Rite and Accepted.
I wish you a happy navigation through our rich network full of cultural, historical and educational subjects.
Welcome to all the initiated Brothers and to all those that wish to aspire to find the way to the Light and the Truth.
Grand Master
F\Edmond F. Chalhoub
